Tuesday, February 26, 2013

This is my conrour line drawing of one of my classmate's shoes. I found that this project in particular was easier than the other contoure line drawings that I had to complete. Even so, I don't think I did the best that I could have, it's not a perfect peice. If I were going to do this project all over again, I would concentrate more on the placement and spacing of the lines, like in fo rthe back sole of the shoe. The most difficult about this project would have to be just the fact that it's a contour line project, which means that you aren't allowed to pick up your pen from the paper. I learned that the longer you work on contoure line drawings, the better you will get, but I guess that's true with everything.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The main difference between using oil pastels in class and using the Layers Pro app on the iPad to create value in shapes would have to be the blending. I think that it is much easier to just use the Layers Pro app to pull and mix the different colors into each other, even though it was difficult at times too. I learn that if I only use three colors I can make other similar colors as I blend and that will make the shapes look better. The use of technology at Apex High for art classes is really helpful in the way of expanding the many ways to create and look at art. It's also lots of fun trying something new and incorporating technology into my school life keeps things new and interesting.